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WEBINArs, speaking  

Workshop and Keynote Speaker, Rev.Veronica K. Chilton, is a member of National Speakers Association, Non-Fiction Writer's Association, and Wisconsin Business Owner's Network (WBON). She is a participant in Women's Leadership Circles, PWOW, Women Within E Circles, A Woman's Journey, Lean-In Circles, and was a prior participant, in Al-Anon.


In exchange for Rev. Veronica’s credible and varied career experiences, which add a winning formula of business savvy, her counseling expertise and and inspirational perceptions, she is widely in demand as a sought-after speaker with carefully selected presentations and webinars.


As a quintessential connection to galvanizing topics, Rev. Veronica accepts speaking invitations from professional groups, corporations and associations that seek to gain from her messages and overall approach in her dynamic topics:


Former speaking engagements include speaking on Healing from Child Sexual Abuse; Violence Against Women at Sinai Samaritan Hospital and Domestic Violence at the Task Force for Battered Women in Milwaukee.

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The Shield Maidens Handbook


"An Invaluable Guide to Understanding Fear and Courage, The Healing of Grief and

Shame, Improved Self-Esteem, and Developing Assertiveness for the Survivor/Thriver."

Even in the face of heartbreaking loss, as a Truth Seeker/Soul Keeper, Rev. Veronica is a 

believer in triumphing over tragedy. Ambassador of The Shield Maidens Social Movement,

she champions them to persevere in audiences around the country.



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The Art of Assertive Living


As a Shield Maiden, do you wish to act in your own best interests, stand up for yourself

without undue anxiety, express honest feelings comfortably, or exercise your personal rights

without denying the rights of others?  In this assertiveness training workshop or webinar, we   explore communication styles, feedback/criticism, problem solving and positive conflict



“No matter the outcome, it is imperative to stand up for one’s self by speaking one’s truth,

because that is truly the mark of empowerment.” Rev. Veronica K. Chilton


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Turning Your Wounds Into Wisdom

This program will benefit those, including Shield Maidens, who are interested in
dealing with personal loss and unresolved grief. Veronica’s acronym for the letters

in the word G.R.I.E.F is Gaining Realizations Into Effective Feelings. Learn how to
utilize the stages of grief while moving through your healing journey navigating
life’s hurdles as myths surrounding grief are dispelled. Life losses are not to be seen
as setbacks, but instead as opportunities for growth and change. The critical issues
concerning releasing residual negative feelings about the past will also be discussed.

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Communicating with the Opposite Sex:  The Cinderella/White Knight Syndrome


Are you ready to overcome the trials and barriers that have sabotaged you and your

dreams in this day of struggling relationships? Let go of the over-idealized version of the

mythical Prince Charming or Princess (Cinderella) by eliminating the need to be rescued

or to rescue another, as well as the need to please someone more than yourself. Learn about

developing healthy boundaries, ways to negotiate with loved ones and cope with change.

As a Shield Maiden, become the self-reliant, independent person you were meant to be by recognizing and using your personal talents and potential to their utmost. Reclaim your

sparkle and your dreams!

CAREGIVING WITH PIZAZZ, It's More than Picking Up Medications - How to Be An

Effective Caregiver and Advocate For Your Loved Ones. In this webinar/presentation, we 

focus on the challenges of being a caregiver, tips for self-care, statistics, legalities - powers  

of attorney, funeral issues, preventative measures while one lives independently, assessment

of need for placement or move to a community facility, assisted living or nursing home.

In part, an homage to Rev. Veronica's late uncle David, she shares her experiences with him

as his niece, power of attorney, and Florence Nightengale, incorporating his effervescent humor.



"I use the privilege of the platform to share my personal experiences from the heart with

compassion and purpose to impact others in their coping and healing processes. I wish to

assist others in having a life worth living beyond the difficult times one can traverse." 

Rev. Veronica K Chilton


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