Professional Vitae
Business Experiences
Veronica’s entrepreneurial capacities have been eclectic spanning decades. A co-owner in an international fine arts business, she eagerly traveled the world. At the helm of her father’s
firearms profession, she led it out of the red in five months. As the first-born child, that business
was her responsibility, but it wasn’t her heart’s desire. In the faith realm, she inspirationally
headed Invoke the Light Ministries. From fine arts, to firearms, to faith, now as a new author, she oversees Shield Maiden Enterprises, LLC, and The Shield Maidens Social Movement.
In addition to the financial turnaround from a six-figured debt in the firearms business, she
bravely fought lawsuits and won them, headed a white-collar crime investigation, survived an
ATF audit, and not one, but four IRS audits owing nothing to the government. She could enter any business or home and make sense out of its chaos. The same applies to her client’s emotions
and thought processes zeroing in on the deeper issues, as well as her problem-solving skills.
As a hospice worker she was a grief companion caregiver to others at St. Mary’s Hospice, and
to three elderly family members. She acted as either their powers of attorney and/or mediator of countless personal and business matters. Veronica also traveled to over fifty countries, including
to Sacred Sites for week-long Meditations in Chicken Itza and Tikal.
What Veronica brings to the table:
Association of Professional Speaker School of Wisconsin Graduate
National Speakers Association Conventions
UWM - Study of Comparative Religion, Humanities courses – psychology, sociology
and art history
Marquette University for Certification in Grief Counseling
Pathways of Light Community Miracles Center Graduate as an Interdenominational Minister/Spiritual Counselor, and Officiate of Weddings, Baptisms and Funeral
Celebrant of Memorial Services
Ordained at St. Ann’s Church and Healing Sanctuary in Wisconsin
Horizon Home Health Care Hospice Work certification
End of Life Coalitions of Southeastern Wisconsin
Facilitator of Community-Based Grief, Change and Loss Support Groups
Course in Miracles - A Foundation for Inner Peace – 4-year study
Task Force on Battered Women, 2.5 year study and participation in
Nicolas Groth: Healing from Child Sexual Abuse: Break the Silence; Working with
Adult Perpetrators: Child Sexual Abuse
Anthony Robbins – 4-Day Unlimited Power, the Fire walk Experience and Unleash the
Power Within
Woman Within Weekend International Graduate and Facilitated Training
Center for Creative Learning – Taking It Lightly, Step Into the Light and Freedom from
Childhood Issues – 3 Experiential Weekends
John Bradshaw - Healing the Shame that Binds You; Championing Your Inner
Child; Living in the Growth Process; Incest and Sexual Addiction; Co-dependency;
Resentment/Forgiveness; Building Personal Boundaries - 4 day event
Ellena Lieberman – Akashic Soul Teachings - Deeper Levels of Spiritual Perception
and Advanced Courses
Nancy Retzlaff - Reiki I and II levels; Sonja Hallbeck - Reiki III
Vianna Stibal – Theta Healing DNA 1 and 2 Certifications, and Advanced Healing
Advanced Energy Healing; Inspiration of Your Calling; Journey Along a Healing
Nick Ortner - Tapping Solution World Summit, EFT Technique
Hypnosis & Wellness Training Center – Beginning and Advanced Hypnotherapy
Certifications, Regression Therapy Training; Satori Hypnosis Weekend
Dr. Mitchell Gibson - Living Soul and Spiritual Power Series
Jojopah Maria Nsoroma – Living the 2012 Shift; Living a Higher Vibration
of The Dagara Medicine Wheel – Divinity Within, Personal Sovereignty,
Interdependence, Sacred Contracts and Unity Consciousness;
Gregory Burdulis - The Artist’s Way Intensive 12-week course
Human Design DNA 7-day course and correspondence courses
Living Your Design, Truth, Fear and the Enneagram
Kabalarian - 9 course Study of Life Analysis Training
Hapacus – The Happiness Journey
Center for Higher Brain Living – Awaken Tier 1, 2 and 3
Eckhart Tolle and Oprah 10-Week Webinar on A New Earth
Oprah – The Shadow Effect Breakthrough Program
Gregory Rosenberg - Flower of Life and 8-day Meditation course
Pandit Rajmani Tigunait – One-on-One Meditation
Prepare-Enrich Certification for facilitation of couples’ counseling
Laurie Ingraham -14-week in the T.I.P. Process on Relationships
Men's Warrior Group and mixed facilitated shadow release groups - 2 years
Extensive Art Therapy around Memories
Additional Religious Courses: St. Germaine Discourses; The Kabbalah Code;
The Gospel of Thomas and Mary Magdalene; Conversations with God;
Exploring the Truth Retreat; Nine Portraits of Jesus; Conversations with
God; Exploring the Truth Retreat; Fall-Redemption and Creation-Centered
Spirituality; Science of Light Energy Consciousness; From Spiritual Seeking
to Spiritual Mastery;
Additional Grief and Loss courses: Ram Dass - Helping the Helper; The
Listening Heart; The Practice of Be Here Now; On Death, Dying, Illness
and Grief; Death is Not an Outrage; Olievera - Loss of a Child; Loss of a
Parent; Men and Grief; Suicide; Adult Children of Alcoholics; Ellen Bass -
Workshop Healing from Child Sexual Abuse; Marilyn Van Derbur - Break
the Silence;
Life: Creating Healthy Relationships; Authentic Relationships; Archetypes
and Sacred Contracts; The Spirit of Archetypes;Attracting Your Soul Mate;
Have the Relationship You Want - Targeting Mr. Right; Understanding
Masculine and Feminine Development; Secrets to Getting the Love You Want;
Guilt is the Teacher, Love is the Lesson; Coping with Guilt; Self-Talk;
Getting What You Really Want; Time and Stress Management; Assertiveness
Training; The Action of Manifestation; Unlimited Abundance; Anger
Management Skills; Successful Communication Skills for Women; Conflict
Model Exploration in Communications; Conscious Language; Radical
Forgiveness, The Intuitive Advantage; Enhanced Listening Skills; Mastery of
Emotions; Mastery of Prosperity; Manifesting and Abundance; Process of
Changing Limited Beliefs; y; There's More to Money Than Dollars;
Breaking Free from the Baby Boomer Blues; 6-week How to
Make Peace with Food; Bach Flower Remedy courses: Young Living Oils -
Releasing Emotional Patterns; The Power of Receiving; Bashar; Conscious
Healing - Quantum Energy; Healing with Angels, Receiving Communications
with Spirit Guides and Angelic Messages; Create the Life of Your Dreams;
Dream Analysis; Handwriting Analysis; Feng Shui; Qui Gong practice and study;
Cultivating Health and Wellness
Author, Speaking, Marketing Courses: Great Lakes Writers’ Workshops at Alverno
College; Speak with the Voice of Authority; The Power of Your Voice; Discover the
The Power of Your Voice; Using Your Words Wisely; When Your Word Becomes
Law; Discover the Storyteller Within You; 21-Day Transformational Author
Teleseminar; 9 Myths of Memoir Writing; Become a Published Author; The
Number One Secret to Becoming a Successful Author; Paths to Publishing and
Helping You Succeed as an Author; 3-day Author U Conference; 7 Things Rich
Authors Know; Get More Media Publicity; Brand Your Business; Quantum Leap
in Income; Thrive as an Author/Expert; LinkedIn Success; Websites for Authors;
Niche Publishing; Design and Host Your Own Online Courses; Finds Sponsors to
to Fund Your Book Tour; Udemy Courses and Blog Posts on Medium; Building
Building Predictable Revenue Streams From Your Website; Launch That Book!;
Graphic Secrets to Creating Power Point Presentations; Social Media Success for
Authors; 10 Smart Ideas for a Slightly Crazy World; Negotiating Your Way to
Better Pay; Women and Investing; Forward- Thinking Planning; Reinvent Your
Career at Any Age; 7 Secrets to Unlocking Your Brilliance as a Woman
Entrepreneur; Evolutionary Goddesspreneur Starter Kit - Business Planning; 68
68 Great Tips for Customers; Marketing Results; Sell Yourself Without Selling
Your Soul;
Veronica’s dedication to her own personal growth and offerings over the past 40 years has
allowed her to live in the present moment with clarity and wisdom in relationship to and
for her clients. She stopped keeping track of her studies after 2015.